How to integrate with Kleros?
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How to integrate with Kleros?
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If you are looking for pure Arbitration-as-a-Service, we can help you integrate with our core service Kleros Court.
If you want an oracle that can provide rulings about events, connect to Kleros Oracle and get Truth-as-a-Service capabilities.
If you are searching for Data-Curation-as-a-Service, use our Kleros Curate generalized TCR product to build open community-curated lists and read from them.
If you want to manage crypto-vs-crypto transactions or service-vs-crypto transactions in your app, have a look at Kleros Escrow contract (+ Widget & SDK) for Escrow-as-a-Service features.
If you are a DAO looking to fully decentralize your governance (even the enforcement of proposal votes), check out Kleros Governor and use it as Supreme-Court-as-a-Service.
Your DeFi application can source its token data directly from Kleros Tokens registry and even curate the tokens using badges (e.g. filtering them using preset criteria) or indirectly through TokenLists.org
Your product can use Sybil-resistance properties of Proof of Humanity to protect against Sybil attacks or identify your users.
You can apply to or benefit from decentralized translation jobs in Linguo to handle the internationalization of your products.