Proof of Humanity 2.0 launch FAQ

FAQs specific to the transition from Proof of Humanity 1.0 to 2.0.

I have/had a profile on PoH 1.0 - do I need to do anything to be able to use PoH 2.0?

If your profile is still valid on v1, you do not need to do anything. Your profile will be automatically readable and accessible on PoH v2 on Ethereum. You can then choose to bridge it to Gnosis chain if you need to use it on that chain.

If your profile has already expired, you need to create a fresh profile on PoH v2 on either Ethereum or Gnosis chain.

Can I have one PoH profile on each chain?

No, PoH v2 profiles are singular and unique to a user across all chains. While you can create the profile on any of the supported chains (ETH, GNO), you can only have your profile active on one chain at any time. However, you can bridge your profile over to the other chain at any time if needed.

I use my PoH profile through one through another platform (e.g. Galxe, Gitcoin Passport ...), do I need to do anything specific to make sure my profile is still recognised?

No, Kleros Cooperative will be reaching out to these platforms to upgrade the integration. In case of doubt, check with the team of these platforms to see if your account with them is linked to the updated PoH v2 integration.

Last updated