pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./Arbitrator.sol";
import "./IArbitrable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
/** @title Multiple Arbitrable ERC20 Token Transaction
* This is a contract for multiple arbitrated token transactions which can be reversed by an arbitrator.
* This can be used for buying goods, services and for paying freelancers.
* Parties are identified as "sender" and "receiver".
contract MultipleArbitrableTokenTransaction is IArbitrable {
// **************************** //
// * Contract variables * //
// **************************** //
uint8 constant AMOUNT_OF_CHOICES = 2;
enum Party {Sender, Receiver}
enum Status {NoDispute, WaitingSender, WaitingReceiver, DisputeCreated, Resolved}
enum RulingOptions {NoRuling, SenderWins, ReceiverWins}
struct Transaction {
address sender;
address receiver;
uint amount;
ERC20 token;
uint timeoutPayment; // Time in seconds after which the transaction can be automatically executed if not disputed.
uint disputeId; // If dispute exists, the ID of the dispute.
uint senderFee; // Total fees paid by the sender.
uint receiverFee; // Total fees paid by the receiver.
uint lastInteraction; // Last interaction for the dispute procedure.
Status status;
Transaction[] public transactions;
Arbitrator public arbitrator; // Address of the arbitrator contract.
bytes public arbitratorExtraData; // Extra data to set up the arbitration.
uint public feeTimeout; // Time in seconds a party can take to pay arbitration fees before being considered unresponding and lose the dispute.
mapping (uint => uint) public disputeIDtoTransactionID;
// **************************** //
// * Events * //
// **************************** //
/** @dev To be emitted when a party pays or reimburses the other.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _amount The amount paid.
* @param _party The party that paid.
event Payment(uint indexed _transactionID, uint _amount, address _party);
/** @dev Indicate that a party has to pay a fee or would otherwise be considered as losing.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _party The party who has to pay.
event HasToPayFee(uint indexed _transactionID, Party _party);
/** @dev Emitted when the final ruling of a dispute is given by the arbitrator.
* @param _arbitrator The arbitrator giving the ruling.
* @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
* @param _ruling The ruling which was given.
event Ruling(Arbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint indexed _disputeID, uint _ruling);
/** @dev Emitted when a transaction is created.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _sender The address of the sender.
* @param _receiver The address of the receiver.
* @param _token The token address.
* @param _amount The initial amount of the token.
event TransactionCreated(uint _transactionID, address indexed _sender, address indexed _receiver, ERC20 _token, uint _amount);
// **************************** //
// * Arbitrable functions * //
// * Modifying the state * //
// **************************** //
/** @dev Constructor.
* @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract.
* @param _arbitratorExtraData Extra data for the arbitrator.
* @param _feeTimeout Arbitration fee timeout for the parties.
constructor (
Arbitrator _arbitrator,
bytes _arbitratorExtraData,
uint _feeTimeout
) public {
arbitrator = _arbitrator;
arbitratorExtraData = _arbitratorExtraData;
feeTimeout = _feeTimeout;
/** @dev Create a transaction. UNTRUSTED.
* @param _amount The amount of tokens in this transaction.
* @param _token The ERC20 token contract.
* @param _timeoutPayment Time after which a party automatically loses a dispute.
* @param _receiver The recipient of the transaction.
* @param _metaEvidence Link to the meta-evidence.
* @return The index of the transaction.
function createTransaction(
uint _amount,
ERC20 _token,
uint _timeoutPayment,
address _receiver,
string _metaEvidence
) public returns (uint transactionIndex) {
// Transfers token from sender wallet to contract.
require(_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount), "Sender does not have enough approved funds.");
sender: msg.sender,
receiver: _receiver,
amount: _amount,
token: _token,
timeoutPayment: _timeoutPayment,
disputeId: 0,
senderFee: 0,
receiverFee: 0,
lastInteraction: now,
status: Status.NoDispute
emit MetaEvidence(transactions.length - 1, _metaEvidence);
emit TransactionCreated(transactions.length - 1, msg.sender, _receiver, _token, _amount);
return transactions.length - 1;
/** @dev Pay receiver. To be called if the good or service is provided. UNTRUSTED.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _amount Amount to pay in tokens.
function pay(uint _transactionID, uint _amount) public {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
require(transaction.sender == msg.sender, "The caller must be the sender.");
require(transaction.status == Status.NoDispute, "The transaction shouldn't be disputed.");
require(_amount <= transaction.amount, "The amount paid has to be less or equal than the transaction.");
transaction.amount -= _amount;
require(transaction.token.transfer(transaction.receiver, _amount), "The `transfer` function must not fail.");
emit Payment(_transactionID, _amount, msg.sender);
/** @dev Reimburse sender. To be called if the good or service can't be fully provided. UNTRUSTED.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _amountReimbursed Amount to reimburse in tokens.
function reimburse(uint _transactionID, uint _amountReimbursed) public {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
require(transaction.receiver == msg.sender, "The caller must be the receiver.");
require(transaction.status == Status.NoDispute, "The transaction shouldn't be disputed.");
require(_amountReimbursed <= transaction.amount, "The amount reimbursed has to be less or equal than the transaction.");
transaction.amount -= _amountReimbursed;
require(transaction.token.transfer(transaction.sender, _amountReimbursed), "The `transfer` function must not fail.");
emit Payment(_transactionID, _amountReimbursed, msg.sender);
/** @dev Transfer the transaction's amount to the receiver if the timeout has passed. UNTRUSTED.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
function executeTransaction(uint _transactionID) public {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
require(now - transaction.lastInteraction >= transaction.timeoutPayment, "The timeout has not passed yet.");
require(transaction.status == Status.NoDispute, "The transaction shouldn't be disputed.");
uint amount = transaction.amount;
transaction.amount = 0;
transaction.status = Status.Resolved;
require(transaction.token.transfer(transaction.receiver, amount), "The `transfer` function must not fail.");
/** @dev Reimburse sender if receiver fails to pay the fee. UNTRUSTED.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
function timeOutBySender(uint _transactionID) public {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
require(transaction.status == Status.WaitingReceiver, "The transaction is not waiting on the receiver.");
require(now - transaction.lastInteraction >= feeTimeout, "Timeout time has not passed yet.");
if (transaction.receiverFee != 0) {
transaction.receiverFee = 0;
executeRuling(_transactionID, uint(RulingOptions.SenderWins));
/** @dev Pay receiver if sender fails to pay the fee. UNTRUSTED.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
function timeOutByReceiver(uint _transactionID) public {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
require(transaction.status == Status.WaitingSender, "The transaction is not waiting on the sender.");
require(now - transaction.lastInteraction >= feeTimeout, "Timeout time has not passed yet.");
if (transaction.senderFee != 0) {
transaction.senderFee = 0;
executeRuling(_transactionID, uint(RulingOptions.ReceiverWins));
/** @dev Pay the arbitration fee to raise a dispute. To be called by the sender. UNTRUSTED.
* Note that the arbitrator can have `createDispute` throw, which will make this function throw and therefore lead to a party being timed-out.
* This is not a vulnerability as the arbitrator can rule in favor of one party anyway.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
function payArbitrationFeeBySender(uint _transactionID) public payable {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
uint arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData);
require(transaction.status < Status.DisputeCreated, "Dispute has already been created.");
require(msg.sender == transaction.sender, "The caller must be the sender.");
transaction.senderFee += msg.value;
// Require that the total paid to be at least the arbitration cost.
require(transaction.senderFee >= arbitrationCost, "The sender fee must cover arbitration costs.");
transaction.lastInteraction = now;
// The receiver still has to pay. This can also happen if he has paid, but `arbitrationCost` has increased.
if (transaction.receiverFee < arbitrationCost) {
transaction.status = Status.WaitingReceiver;
emit HasToPayFee(_transactionID, Party.Receiver);
} else { // The receiver has also paid the fee. We create the dispute.
raiseDispute(_transactionID, arbitrationCost);
/** @dev Pay the arbitration fee to raise a dispute. To be called by the receiver. UNTRUSTED.
* Note that this function mirrors payArbitrationFeeBySender.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
function payArbitrationFeeByReceiver(uint _transactionID) public payable {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
uint arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData);
require(transaction.status < Status.DisputeCreated, "Dispute has already been created.");
require(msg.sender == transaction.receiver, "The caller must be the receiver.");
transaction.receiverFee += msg.value;
// Require that the total paid to be at least the arbitration cost.
require(transaction.receiverFee >= arbitrationCost, "The receiver fee must cover arbitration costs.");
transaction.lastInteraction = now;
// The sender still has to pay. This can also happen if he has paid, but arbitrationCost has increased.
if (transaction.senderFee < arbitrationCost) {
transaction.status = Status.WaitingSender;
emit HasToPayFee(_transactionID, Party.Sender);
} else { // The sender has also paid the fee. We create the dispute.
raiseDispute(_transactionID, arbitrationCost);
/** @dev Create a dispute. UNTRUSTED.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _arbitrationCost Amount to pay the arbitrator.
function raiseDispute(uint _transactionID, uint _arbitrationCost) internal {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
transaction.status = Status.DisputeCreated;
transaction.disputeId = arbitrator.createDispute.value(_arbitrationCost)(AMOUNT_OF_CHOICES, arbitratorExtraData);
disputeIDtoTransactionID[transaction.disputeId] = _transactionID;
emit Dispute(arbitrator, transaction.disputeId, _transactionID, _transactionID);
// Refund sender if it overpaid.
if (transaction.senderFee > _arbitrationCost) {
uint extraFeeSender = transaction.senderFee - _arbitrationCost;
transaction.senderFee = _arbitrationCost;
// Refund receiver if it overpaid.
if (transaction.receiverFee > _arbitrationCost) {
uint extraFeeReceiver = transaction.receiverFee - _arbitrationCost;
transaction.receiverFee = _arbitrationCost;
/** @dev Submit a reference to evidence. EVENT.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _evidence A link to an evidence using its URI.
function submitEvidence(uint _transactionID, string _evidence) public {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
msg.sender == transaction.receiver || msg.sender == transaction.sender,
"The caller must be the receiver or the sender."
transaction.status < Status.Resolved,
"Must not send evidence if the dispute is resolved."
emit Evidence(arbitrator, _transactionID, msg.sender, _evidence);
/** @dev Appeal an appealable ruling. UNTRUSTED.
* Transfer the funds to the arbitrator.
* Note that no checks are required as the checks are done by the arbitrator.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
function appeal(uint _transactionID) public payable {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
arbitrator.appeal.value(msg.value)(transaction.disputeId, arbitratorExtraData);
/** @dev Give a ruling for a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrator to enforce the final ruling.
* The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract.
* @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
* @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision".
function rule(uint _disputeID, uint _ruling) public {
uint transactionID = disputeIDtoTransactionID[_disputeID];
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[transactionID];
require(msg.sender == address(arbitrator), "The caller must be the arbitrator.");
require(transaction.status == Status.DisputeCreated, "The dispute has already been resolved.");
emit Ruling(Arbitrator(msg.sender), _disputeID, _ruling);
executeRuling(transactionID, _ruling);
/** @dev Execute a ruling of a dispute. It reimburses the fee to the winning party.
* @param _transactionID The index of the transaction.
* @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. 1: Reimburse the receiver. 2: Pay the sender.
function executeRuling(uint _transactionID, uint _ruling) internal {
Transaction storage transaction = transactions[_transactionID];
require(_ruling <= AMOUNT_OF_CHOICES, "Invalid ruling.");
uint amount = transaction.amount;
uint senderFee = transaction.senderFee;
uint receiverFee = transaction.receiverFee;
transaction.amount = 0;
transaction.senderFee = 0;
transaction.receiverFee = 0;
transaction.status = Status.Resolved;
// Give the arbitration fee back.
// Note that we use `send` to prevent a party from blocking the execution.
if (_ruling == uint(RulingOptions.SenderWins)) {
require(transaction.token.transfer(transaction.sender, amount), "The `transfer` function must not fail.");
} else if (_ruling == uint(RulingOptions.ReceiverWins)) {
require(transaction.token.transfer(transaction.receiver, amount), "The `transfer` function must not fail.");
} else {
// `senderFee` and `receiverFee` are equal to the arbitration cost.
uint splitArbitrationFee = senderFee / 2;
// Tokens should not reenter or allow recipients to refuse the transfer.
// In the case of an uneven token amount, one basic token unit can be burnt.
require(transaction.token.transfer(transaction.receiver, amount / 2), "The `transfer` function must not fail.");
require(transaction.token.transfer(transaction.sender, amount / 2), "The `transfer` function must not fail.");
// **************************** //
// * Constant getters * //
// **************************** //
/** @dev Getter to know the count of transactions.
* @return countTransactions The count of transactions.
function getCountTransactions() public view returns (uint countTransactions) {
return transactions.length;
/** @dev Get IDs for transactions where the specified address is the receiver and/or the sender.
* This function must be used by the UI and not by other smart contracts.
* Note that the complexity is O(t), where t is amount of arbitrable transactions.
* @param _address The specified address.
* @return transactionIDs The transaction IDs.
function getTransactionIDsByAddress(address _address) public view returns (uint[] transactionIDs) {
uint count = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
if (transactions[i].sender == _address || transactions[i].receiver == _address)
transactionIDs = new uint[](count);
count = 0;
for (uint j = 0; j < transactions.length; j++) {
if (transactions[j].sender == _address || transactions[j].receiver == _address)
transactionIDs[count++] = j;
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