How to use Reality.eth + Kleros as an oracle
When you want your app to get data from a subjective oracle
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When you want your app to get data from a subjective oracle
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In use cases where a subjective oracle is required to give an answer on-chain about the occurrence of an event (e.g.: Prediction Markets, DAO Governance, etc...), your application might want to use the combination of Reality.eth bond escalation mechanism with Kleros arbitration services to have a decentralized and fair source of truth.
Learn more about this use case
Your app requiring a subjective oracle
This is your smart contract that will only interact directly with Reality.eth contract.
Bond escalation mechanism contract where anyone can submit a question with a required minimum bond to submit answers. It is possible to request arbitration by a 3rd party at any point after a first answer is submitted.
Reality.eth < > Kleros Arbitrator proxy
Contract acting as a proxy between Reality.eth and Kleros Court contract. It acts as a Reality.eth arbitrator by creating corresponding disputes in Kleros Courts and submitting the final ruling as an answer in the proper format. This contract is configured with a number of initial votes required and a specific sub-court where the dispute will be raised (ex: 5 initial votes by jurors in Blockchain > Technical court). You can use one already used by other apps or ask the cooperative Kleros team to deploy a new one fit for your needs.
Kleros Court contract that will adjudicate on the dispute by drawing jurors and publishing a final ruling about the case.
To use this service, you just need to ensure that:
your smart contract is compatible with the Reality.eth contract interface (check their documentation and repo)
If your contract is in development, Cooperative Kleros team can support you in making it compatible.
If your contract is already live, Cooperative Kleros team can support you in building a connector for it.
you submit the address of the Reality.eth<>Kleros arbitrator proxy you want to use as arbitrator
when you ask a question. The arbitrator proxy will be set up with an initaial number of votes to be requested and a specific subcourt in whichcases will be raised. The Cooperative Kleros team can help select the right arbitrator for your use case or deploy a new one for you.
Reality.eth <> Kleros Arbitrator Proxy deployments
(Current version) Mainnet: General Court - 0x728cba71a3723caab33ea416cb46e2cc9215a596
(Current version) Mainnet: Technical Court - 0xf72cfd1b34a91a64f9a98537fe63fbab7530adca
(Current version) Polygon: General Court - 0x5afa42b30955f137e10f89dfb5ef1542a186f90e
(Current version) Mumbai: General Court - 0xead0c9a4baeaf9b5221358539173602fa12b4b7d
(Current version) Kovan: Non-technical Court - 0xDEd12537dA82C1019b3CA1714A5d58B7c5c19A04